When Cleveland’s Emerald Necklace was conceived in the early part of the 20th century, city planners also envisioned a smaller Emerald Bracelet of parks and trails running inside of Cleveland’s city limits. This vision was not realized during the City’s era of rapid industrial growth.
Today, planners and civic visionaries are working to correct this historic omission and realize the Emerald Bracelet concept.
The end-result of this work will be a City Loop Trail, 29-miles in length, circling downtown Cleveland through the City’s neighborhoods.

The most exciting aspect of the City Loop Trail concept is that large portions are already complete!
The Cleveland Lakefront Bikeway, Harrison Dillard Trail, and Morgana Run Trail cover nearly half of the proposed route.
Completing the City Loop Trail will require building new trails in several parts of the City. Trails are proposed along Martin Luther King Drive south of University Circle to connect the Harrison Dillard Bikeway with Morgana Run Trail. This section will also pass along one of several proposed routes through southeast Cleveland neighborhoods.
Another leg of the trail will run through the Metroparks Zoo and the Big Creek Valley on the southwest side of the City before heading north along portions of West Boulevard and connecting to the Lakefront Bikeway near Lakewood.
The City Loop Trail would link a number of City parks to one another such as Luke
Easter Park at Kinsman and MLK Blvd.
The Towpath Trail will act as a shortcut, bisecting the City Loop Trail and providing direct access to downtown from the southern portion of the City Loop.