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To encourage the preservation of historically and architecturally significant
buildings and historic districts within the City of Cleveland


Under the conditions specified by law, the Landmarks Commission will be conducting virtual meetings in a limited capacity using the WebEx Platform.   This will include limited agenda items to initiate the process to ensure we can appropriately evaluate the process.

The Landmarks Commission will also be live streamed on YouTube.  The links for the live streams will be available before the meeting.

Please visit the agenda page for more details:

The Landmarks Commission is responsible for determining whether buildings, sites or historic districts are eligible for designation as landmarks. The Commission follows established criteria listed in the Landmarks Ordinance and uses the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation to review proposed changes. Through the issuance of Certificates of Appropriateness the Commission reviews building and demolition permits for Designated Cleveland Landmarks and Districts. Local Design Review Committees act as advisory committees to the Landmarks Commission within designated historic districts.

The Commission conducts a continuing survey of historic properties within the City for the purposes of designation as a Cleveland Landmark and/or listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The Commission also informs citizens about the architectural and historical heritage of Cleveland.

The Commission acts as a Certified Local Government in coordination with the State Historic Preservation Office in cases involving Section 106/Environmental Reviews and National Register of Historic Places designations.

The Landmarks Commission is an eleven-member board of preservation-minded individuals consisting of architects, historians, property owners, attorneys, Cleveland City Council representatives, the Director of City Planning, and the Commissioner of Architecture.

Commission Members

Michele Anderson
Mark Duluk
Chris Loeser
Calley Mersmann, Director of City Planning
Allan Dreyer
Robert S. Strickland, Vice Chair
Raymond Tarasuck, Jr.
Julie Trott, Chair
Deborah A. Gray, Ward 4 Council Person
Dr. Regennia Williams
Michael Sanbury


Cleveland Designated Landmarks

Cleveland Buildings Listed on the National Register of Historic Places Adobe PDF

Cleveland Architects Database

Landmarks Ordinance

Rules of the Landmarks Commission

State Historic Preservation Office

National Register of Historic Places

Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation

Cleveland Public Library Property Research

The Cleveland Restoration Society, a non-profit organization, provides free advice on the repair and maintenance of older and historic residences, commercial buildings, and houses of worship. CRS' staff of historic rehabilitation specialists can guide projects involving roof preservation or replacement, window restoration, masonry repair, porch repair, and more.

601 Lakeside Ave.
City Hall Room 519
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Phone: 216-664-2532 ~ Fax: 216-664-3281