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TLCI Overview


Intersection of W. 25th & Clark Ave., with proposed
treatmants, from the Clark Avenue Corridor Plan

Transportation for Livable Communities Initiatives (TLCI)

The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) TLCI provides assistance to communities and public agencies for integrated transportation and land use planning and projects that strengthen community livability. The TLCI program consists of two components: the planning grant and the implementation grant. The planning grant component helps local partners fund planning studies that can lead to improvements to transportation systems and the neighborhoods they support. The planning grant program has led to dozens of completed studies over the past decade.� The implementation grant helps communities move forward with the development and installation of infrastructure form past completed livability studies.

NOACA's TLCI program has long been an integral program and funding source to provide long-range planning that strengthens the neighborhood, builds and supports the 2020 Connecting Cleveland citywide plan, and is a part of City Planning's principles and goals of health, equity and sustainability. The City of Cleveland Planning Commission has in place, a review process for all TLCI proposals to offer support by the City of Cleveland and ensure an application's competitiveness for selection by the NOACA Board of Directors.

City of Cleveland Planning Commission TLCI Process:

If your organization is interested in applying for either a NOACA TLCI planning study or implementation grant, you should immediately being coordinating with your local area planner to discuss your proposal. These preliminary discussions will allow City Planning staff to understand the proposal, evaluate if there is merit to the proposal and consultant other City of Cleveland departments deemed appropriate. After these conversations, a formal submission of your proposal will be due to City Planning through an application form (which can be accessed on this page) for either a planning study or implementation grant by a date which will be posted once the NOACA TLCI program for the year is opened.

City Planning staff will review all the proposals and evaluate each on their merit. Once a determination is made, a notification will be sent to all submitting organizations indicating's City Planning's support for either the planning study or implementation grant. City Planning staff will then work with the organization's proposals which will be supported for that round to further develop their proposal and prepare the formal application to be submitted to NOACA by their deadline.

For additional information contact your local CPC neighborhood planner.

For additional information from NOACA, you can visit their website: