As a way of improving and increasing transportation choices for those working, living and visiting Downtown Cleveland, the City in August, 2011 opened its downtown bike station officially known as The Bike Rack. The 1,400 square foot station includes bicycle parking, repair, rental, shower and locker facilities — the kind of accommodation that exists in other bicycle-friendly cities across the US. The Bike Rack is located on the ground floor in the North Gateway parking garage on East 4th Street at High Avenue in the Gateway District. The $628,000 facility was constructed using a combination of capital funds and Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) received as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The Downtown Cleveland Alliance, a coalition of property owners, manages and operates The Bike Rack. The Cleveland Clinic is a sponsor. For more information please visit The Bike Rack website at:
