Rules of the Cleveland Landmarks Commission
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The officers of the Cleveland Landmarks Commission shall be Chairman, Vice-Chairman,
and Secretary.
- Chairman: The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Commission,
perform all duties incident to his office and be ex-officio member of all committees.
The Chairman shall be elected annually at the Commission’s first meeting
of the calendar year.
- Vice Chairman: The Vice-Chairman shall act as Chairman in the absence
of the Chairman. In the absence of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, the
of the Commission shall elect a Chairman Pro Tem. The Vice Chairman shall be
elected annually at the Commission’s first meeting of the calendar year.
- Secretary:
The Planning Director shall act as Secretary of the Commission. He shall
maintain an accurate record of the proceedings of the Commission.
On behalf of the Mayor, he shall serve as the liaison between the Commission
and the City Administration and shall act to insure that, to the greatest
degree possible, Commission programs and actions are well-coordinated with
the programs
and actions of the other City Departments, Boards and Commissions.
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The staff of the Commission may consist of the following:
- Director. On behalf of the Commission, the Mayor may appoint a Project
Director (“Director”) to assist in the performance of its duties.
The Director shall conduct the official correspondence, keep all books, financial
accounts, documents, and communications, and issue the Commission’s Annual
Report and such other reports as the Commission may order. On behalf of the
Commission, the Director shall prepare and administer the Commission’s
appointing authority. The Director shall supervise the staff of the Commission
and may assign such duties as he deems advisable to the staff. The Director
shall submit a weekly activity report to the Secretary and shall meet with
the Secretary on a regular basis in order to insure close coordination of the
Commission’s programs and actions with those of other City Departments,
Boards, and Commissions.
- Employees: On behalf of the Commission, the Director
may appoint as the Commission’s employees such technical and office
staff as the Commission deems necessary within the appropriation made
available for
that purpose.
All such appointments shall be made in accordance with the Civil
Service Procedures
of the City of Cleveland.
Volunteers: The Commission may accept
volunteered services of technical experts and such other persons
as may make themselves available
assist the Commission in the performance of its duties.
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The Commission may appoint Advisory Committees to assist it in the execution
of its powers and duties. Members of Advisory Committees shall be appointed by
a majority vote of the members of the Commission and may be removed by a majority
vote of the members of the Commission. All members of Advisory Committees shall
serve without pay.
- Local Design Review Advisory Committees: The Commission may establish
a Local Design Review Advisory Committee for areas within the City of Cleveland
designated by Cleveland City Council as a “Landmark District”.
Committees so established within a designated District shall be strictly
advisory; they shall advise the Commission on the issuance of Certificates
of Appropriateness
within the District, the designation of properties as Cleveland Landmarks
within the District, the modification of the boundaries of the District,
and such
other matters as may be referred to the Committee by the Commission.
- a. Membership: A Committee shall consist of at least three
(3) voting members in addition to the Commission Chairman, of who at
least two (2) are residents,
tenants, or property owners in the District, and if possible at least (1)
is a registered architect.
- Terms of Service: Members of a Committee
other than the Commission Chairman
shall serve for two terms of two (2) years duration and may succeed themselves.
- Presiding
Officers: The membership of each Committee shall choose a Chairman and
Vice Chairman from its membership. These officers shall serve for a term
of one (1) year and may succeed themselves.
- Design Review: The Committees
shall assist the Commission in the review of the plans and designs submitted
to the Commission pursuant to Chapter
161 of the Codified Ordinances. It shall be the duty of the Committees to
in a timely and thorough manner such plans and designs referred to them by
the Commission and to transmit advisory findings through the Director of
the Commission to the entire Commission for its consideration and action.
- Meetings:
Committees shall meet prior to the scheduled regular and supplemental
meetings of the Commission and shall hear all matters referred by the Commission.
Each Committee shall meet at a convenient location and at a time determined
by its Chairman to be most convenient for members of the Committee, project
proponents desiring to be heard, and members of the general public. Each
Committee shall make a good faith effort to meet at a regular time and place
each month
to facilitate attendance at meetings by members of the general public. All
meetings shall be open to members of the general public.
- Quorum: A quorum
shall consist of a majority of the members appointed. Such quorums are
capable of conducting the business of a Committee. If a
is no longer present after the start of a properly convened meeting, a Committee
shall still be capable of conducting such business as specified on the agenda
for that meeting. A majority of those voting shall determine a decision.
- Recommendation
to the Commission: Committees shall make their recommendations to the
Commission, in the form of written reports prior to the Commission’s
regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Said reports shall specify the action
recommended by the Committees on each Application for Certificate of Appropriateness
submitted to them. The reports shall recommend approval or denial of a Certificate
of Appropriateness for each application, shall describe clearly any conditions
the Committee recommends be included in a Certificate of Appropriateness,
and shall specify clearly the reasons for the action recommended. The Committee
function is strictly advisory and shall not be considered a delegation of
powers and duties of the Commission.
- Commission Ruling on Committee Recommendations:
The Commission shall consider the recommendation of its Committees in
making decisions regarding the granting
or denial of Certificates of Appropriateness. The Commission may accept or
reject Committee recommendations in whole or in part and may remand a case
to a Committee for further review. The Commission, at its sole discretion,
may determine to act without action or recommendation by the Committees.
- Secretary:
The Director of the Commission shall act as Secretary of each Committee
and shall be responsible for maintaining the minutes and performing
other duties arising from the work of each Committee. With prior approval
of the Commission, the Director may assign a member of the Commission, a
of the Commission Staff, a member of the Committee, or a member of the staff
of a recognized Local Development Corporation to serve as Secretary of a
specific Committee. The Secretary of each committee shall serve ex-officio
and shall
be prepared to explain that Committee’s actions before the Commission.
- Other Advisory Committees: The Commission may appoint such other Advisory
Committees as the Commission may, from time to time, deem necessary to
the performance of its duties. The responsibilities and membership of
these Committees
shall be determined by the Commission at the time of their establishment.
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- Regular Meetings: The regular meetings of the Commission shall be held
on the second Friday of each month in Cleveland City Hall unless otherwise
called by the Chairman.
- Supplemental Meetings: When the Chairman determines the need for a second
meeting during the month, due to the number of requests for Certificates
of Appropriateness, then he shall call a supplemental meeting. Such supplemental
meetings of the Commission shall be held on the fourth Friday, only during
the months of April, May, June, July, August, or September, in City Hall.
- Special meetings: Special meetings of the Commission called by the Chairman
or upon the written request of three (3) members of the Commission. The
Secretary of the Commission shall provide written notice to each member
of the Commission,
served personally or left at the usual place of residence, in either
case, at least twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting, unless such notice
is waived in writing by members of the Commission. Any such notice shall
the subjects to be considered at the meeting, and no other subjects shall
be considered
- Public Meetings: All meetings of the Commission shall be public and
shall be recorded. All recordings of the Commission proceedings shall
be available
to the general public during business hours.
- Quorum: Five (5) members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum
to do business. If a quorum is no longer present after the start
of a properly convened meeting, the Commission shall still be capable
of conducting
business as is specified on the agenda for that meeting. A majority
of those
voting shall determine a decision. No member shall be entitled to
vote unless he is physically present at the meeting at the time of the vote.
- Agenda: An Agenda of the subjects to be considered at the regular meeting
of the Commission shall be distributed at the meeting. No
other subjects
shall be voted upon at the Commission meeting unless, by unanimous
vote, the Commission
decides to consider other matters.
- Order of Business: The business of the Commission shall be considered
in the following order, unless otherwise determined by the Commission:
- a. Roll call by the Secretary.
- Adoption of the Minutes of the previous
regular, supplemental, or special meeting(s).
- Considerations of Applications
for Certificates of Appropriateness.
- Consideration of Landmark and
Landmark District designation.
- Other business.
- Report of the Director.
- Voting: No Commission members shall vote on any question in
which he is financially interested or in which he has been
directly involved
his private
occupation of public service other than the Landmarks Commission.
If a Commission member abstains from voting, he or she shall
state the
reason for the abstention.
- Additional Rules: Except as herein otherwise provided, the
proceedings of the Commission shall be governed by the City
Charter, the Codified
Ordinances of the City of Cleveland, and Roberts Rules of
Order, and it shall be the
of the Chairman to adhere to and enforce such rules. If the
Chairman is unable to make a ruling on any procedural matter,
he shall
defer to the
Director of
Law for a ruling. Upon the motion of any member present,
the Commission shall vote whether to appeal to the Director of
Law for ruling.
- Rules of Committees: Except in cases of obvious inconsistency
or inapplicability, Committees of the Commission shall
be governed by
the rules applicable
to the Commission proceedings.
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The Commission shall conduct a Public Hearing on the question the designation
of any Landmark District and shall conduct a Public Hearing on the designation
of a specific Landmark in those cases in which the owner of such property of
the proposed designation refuses or declines to give his written consent to
the proposed designation. In scheduling a Public Hearing, the Commission shall
be governed by the notice requirements specified in Section 161/04 (b) (2)
of the Codified Ordinances. The following Rules shall govern the conduct of
any Public Hearing:
- The Chairman shall conduct all Landmarks Commission Public Hearings and
shall provide a reasonable opportunity for all interested parties to express
their opinions.
- All persons attending a Public Hearing shall be given a reasonable opportunity
to be heard. The Chairman may limit comments to a reasonable length of
- All in attendance at a Public Hearing shall register upon arrival.
- When an individual is recognized to be heard, he shall state his name,
address, affiliation, and the interest he represents.
- All Public Hearings shall be recorded. All recordings of Public
Hearing proceedings shall be available to the public during business
- Each Public Hearing shall be conducted at City Hall or at a convenient
location within the District proposed for designation or in the
general vicinity of
the individual property proposed for designation and at a time
determined by the Chairman to be most convenient to the members of the
the property
owner(s), and members of the general public.
- The Commission shall take into consideration the comments of
interested people which are stated at the Public Hearing or communicated
the Commission through letter or petition. The Commission shall
make a
determination based
on those comments within fifteen (15) days after the Hearing
and shall submit its recommendations to City Council. The Commission
shall set
forth in its
recommendations such findings of fact which constitute the basis
for its decision and shall transmit said finings of fact to the
City Council.
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These Rules shall supersede all rules and statements heretofore adopted or
in effect by practice. These Rules may be amended by a majority vote of the
members of the Commission present at regular or special meeting, provided notice
of proposed change shall have been mailed to members of the Commission by the
Secretary five (5) days prior to such meeting.
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These Rules are solely for the use of members of the Commission and for
the purpose of maintaining orderly proceedings. Any failure to comply with
such Rules shall in no way render any action or proceeding invalid.
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The personnel policies of the Commission shall be governed by the Personnel
Manual of the City of Cleveland, as amended.
Adopted by the Cleveland Landmarks Commission July 10, 1988 and amended on
November 4, 1988.