Birth/Established: Feburary 1844 Death/Dissolved: October 5, 1901
Samuel Lane was born in England and came to the United States in 1848. He began working in Cleveland in 1864, completed studies in New York, and was admitted to the architecture practice in 1869. The 1868-9 City Directory shows that he was working as a draftsman in rooms 23 and 24 of the Case Block, also the offices of architects Heard and Blythe. He was in a partnership with Alexander Koehler from 1872 to 1873. In 1890 he moved to Seattle, Washington where he formed a partnership with fellow Clevelander Morris M. Gleichman. He returned to Cleveland in 1893. He made church and public buildings his specialty.
The following are abbreviations used throughout the database
AABN – American Architect and Builders News (1876 – 1909) bp – City of Cleveland Building Permits (1889 – present) cd – City Directories mps – Mary Peale Schofield files – Western Reserve Historical Society Inland – Inland Architect Intestate – Interstate Architect and Builder (1899 – 1902) nd – no date NRHP – National Register of Historic Places OAB – Ohio Architect and Builder (1903 – 1909) OAEB – Ohio Architect, Engineer and Builder (1910 – 1919) ohi – Ohio Historical Inventory form PD – Plain Dealer