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  • Architect/Firm:  Albert Janowitz
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Name: Albert F Janowitz

Birth/Established: January 13, 1867   Death/Dissolved: May 27, 1936


  Albert F. Janowitz was born in London of Bohemian parents. He and his parents immigrated to the United States in 1868. He was a draftsman in the offices of Coburn and Barnum (1888) and B. F. Van Develde (1889). In 1894, he worked for the Peoria, Illinois-based architectural office of Wechselberger, Janowitz. He was active in Cleveland in the first three decades of the 20th century. He designed the B'Nai Jeshurun Temple and, most notably, Anshe Emeth Synagogue (now Cory Methodist Church). He was also the architect of several apartment buildings along Clifton Boulevard, Lake Avenue, and East Boulevard. He died May 23, 1936.