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Southeast Design Review Case Report


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Project Information

Southeast Case #  SE 2013-048

Address: 2892 East 116th
Company: Wolf Mason Architects
Architect: David Mason

Renovation and expansion of a retail store.


Committee Actions/Submissions

Date: November 4, 2013
Committee: Local Design Review Committee
Action Type: Initial Plan Submission

Michael Benjamin 1st

Willie Jones 2nd

4 yes

2 no

Date: November 13, 2013
Committee: Local Design Review Committee
Action Type: Conceptual Approval
  • East 116th Elevation should have windows to open it up to the street.
  • The size of the signs needs to be reduced
  • bring the service door to the west of the entrance forward so that it doesn't create hiding space.
  • Show floor plan
  • no monument sign
Date: December 4, 2013
Committee: Local Design Review Committee
Action Type: Revised Plan Submission

Final revisions have not been submitted as of 12/23/2013.

Date: December 18, 2013
Committee: Local Design Review Committee
Action Type: Approved with Conditions

The plan was approved with the following conditions:

  • The windows on the east elevation should stop at the window band/wainscot similar to the windows on the south side of the building.
  • Reconsider the offset on the west side of the building to eliminate the hiding space and improve security.  Either add a 6 ft. decorative gate to keep people out of that area or add security lighting and a camera.  You may choose to do both.
  • The driveway that is proposed to extend to East 115th should be eliminated.  It cannot go into a residential area.  You can use a portion of the lot for a truck turn around, but it should not extend to East 115th and a landscaped buffer and privacy fencing should be added between the truck turnaround and the adjacent houses.