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Downtown/Flats Design Review Case Report


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Project Information

Downtown/Flats Case #  DF 2019-011

Address: Superior Ave. between E. 14th St. & E. 15th St.
Company: B.R. Knez Construction, Inc.
Architect: TBD | B.R. Knez Construction, Inc.

The proposed construction of new residential townhomes.


Committee Actions/Submissions

Date: February 7, 2019
Committee: Staff
Action Type: Initial Plan Submission

Proposal withdrawn by Applicant after presentation given.

Date: February 14, 2019
Committee: Local Design Review Committee
Action Type: No Action Taken
Date: June 13, 2019
Committee: Staff
Action Type: Initial Plan Submission


·         Consider the utilization of Cement Fiber board in lieu of vinyl siding at all applications.


·         Consider a different material (other than vinyl siding) at the rooftop level specifically.


·         Consider ways to minimize the pavement areas and increase the greenspace (specifically along Superior Ave, but also throughout the project).


·         Consider the addition of small scale fencing or bordering at the entry landscaping to discourage animal encroachment into greenspace areas and protect plantings.


·         Consider removing the alleyways between buildings as they will be dead zones that will not be inviting or enhance the streetscape.  Consider possibly moving the buildings together.


·         The corner transitions at the buildings feel un-inviting.  Consider finding some additional greenspace areas to soften them, or adding fenestration to make them more inviting.


·         Consider the selection of planting materials for the streetscapes, materials should be resistant and inviting (possibly additional gravel space, or more robust types of turf grass).


·         Consider utility placements & metering.  Where will these ultimately wind up and how do they impact the facades and pedestrian experiences.


·         Some committee members felt the form and massing were not appropriate and felt rather flat & monolithic (brutal).  Perhaps consider additional variation in façade to increase appeal from the street level.


Date: June 20, 2019
Committee: Local Design Review Committee
Action Type: Approved with Conditions
  • Study all items discussed by the comittee.
Date: June 21, 2019
Committee: City Planning Commission
Action Type: Approved
Date: July 25, 2019
Committee: Staff
Action Type: Revised Plan Submission
Date: August 1, 2019
Committee: Local Design Review Committee
Action Type: No Action Taken

No quorum, so no meeting held.

Date: August 2, 2019
Committee: City Planning Commission
Action Type: Approved