Mayor Frank G. Jackson's
Neighborhood Transformation Initiative
Target Area Maps
W. 25th Street Target Zones
E. 105-93rd Target Area Map Opportunity Corridor Target Area Map

The Metro health campus redevelopment represents the largest community investment on the Cities near west side in decades. The Physical campus will be transformed to integrate with the surrounding community by removing structural barriers and inviting the community into the Campus. The proposed Campus Plan will treat West 25th as its front door. The Metro Health Organizations seeks to go beyond its campus walls to address and leverage neigh hood issues and opportunities. Issues such as healthy housing, housing incentives for employees, and other programmatic opportunities are being developed. 5000+ employees and visitors frequent the campus daily with very little interaction with the surrounding neighborhood.
The success of the near Westside neighborhood of Clark Metro will be directly tied to the success of its residents and businesses. The growing Latino population, like many minority dominated areas of the city will require additional supports to ensure the areas economic stability. The economic success is tied directly to their branding efforts, and to their ability to effectively cultivate and maintain a reciprocal relationship with the residents of their communities with the larger neighborhood. Mutually responsible behavior by businesses, residents, artists and private/public institutions and community leaders will have a spillover effect leading to the creation of a welcoming, safe ambiance for tourists, families and future investors. A projection analysis of the 2011 U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey illustrates the potential economic power of Latino residents on the local economy. Between 2000 and 2010, Ohio's population increased by 1.6 percent, making Ohio one of the five bottom-growth states in the country. However, what the data do not reflect is that of the 180,682 in increased population, 137,551 (76 percent) were Latino. During this same period, Cleveland's Latino population increased to 10 percent (39,533) of the total, from 7.25 percent (34,728) previously. This growth in the Latino population creates the condition for a true ethnic enclave that can be attractive to visitors and tourist given the right physical and economic conditions are created.