Design Review Committee & City Planning Commission
Agenda for November 6 & 7, 2008
meeting has been cancelled
Draft Agenda for November 6, 2008
Committee MembersMark Schwartz
Terry Schwarz
Rory O. Turner
Hector Vega
Barbara Williams
Tom Yablonsky
Thomas Zarfoss
Jack Bialosky, Jr.
Melanie Boyd
Craig R. Brown
Keith Brown
Jennifer Coleman, Chair
Fred H. Holman, Jr., Vice Chair.
Bruce Jackson
Jonathan Sandvick
Meeting has been cancelled.
starts at 9:00 a.m.,
in Room 6 at City Hall.
Draft Agenda for November 7, 2008
Planning Commission Members
Gloria Jean Pinkney
Joe Cimperman
Norman Krumholz
Robert N. Brown
Anthony J. Coyne, Chairman
David H. Bowen
Lillian Kuri
Lawrence A. Lumpkin
Note: The Planning Commission did not have quorum at its last meeting. The following old business items are on this agenda to allow the Planning Commission to take official action on them.
- Ordinance No. 1557-08 (Ward 13/Cimperman): To amend the title, Section 1, Section 4, and Section 7 of Ordinance No. 649-08, passed July 2, 2008, relating to authorizing the Director of Parks, Recreation, and Properties to apply for and accept grants from the State of Ohio to assist with the acquisition of real property needed for the Flats East Bank Project; and authorizing various agreements with the Wolstein Group, Inc. and The Flats East Development LLC to implement the project.
- Ordinance No. 1335-08 (Ward 14/Santiago): Authorizing the Director of Public Service to issue a permit to the Urban Community School to encroach into the public right-of-way above Lorain Avenue with 12 banners to be attached to Cleveland Public Power utility poles (by separate permission).
- Ordinance No. 1336-08 (Ward 5/Cleveland): Designating the portion of Rose Court between East 35th Street and East 37th Street as “Foxhall Court” as a Secondary and honorary designation.
- Resolution No. 1352-08 (Ward 3/Reed): Declaring the intent to vacate a portion of East 104th Street.
- Ordinance No. 1425-08 (Various Wards): Authorizing the Mayor to apply to the District One Public Works Integrating Committee for state funding for the Superior Avenue, Cedar Avenue, Central Avenue, Puritas Avenue, and Springbrook relief sewer rehabilitation projects, authorizing the Mayor to accept one or more grants fro the Ohio Public Works Commission for the projects; and state funding to obtain credit enhancements and loan assistance in support of the City’s general obligation bonds issued for road and bridge improvements.
- Ordinance No. 1556-08 (Ward 13/Cimperman): Authorizing the Director of Public Service to issue a permit to MRN Ltd. to encroach into the public right-of-way of East 4th Street by installing, using, and maintaining 13 planters.
- Ordinance No. 1559-08 (Ward 5/Cleveland): Designating the portion of Scovill Avenue from East 55th Street to East 61st Street as “Scarab Way” as a secondary and honorary designation. (Approved administratively 10/13/08)
- Ordinance No. 1560-08 (Ward 6/Mitchell): Designating the portion of East 93rd Street from Chester Avenue to Euclid Avenue as “Cleveland Clinic Boulevard” as a secondary and honorary designation. (Approved administratively 10/13/08)
- Ordinance No. 1567-08 (Ward 17/Zone): Authorizing the Director of Public Service to issue a permit to Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization to encroach into the public right-of-way above West 73rd Street, West 74th Street, and West 76th Street with 10 barriers to be attached to 5 Cleveland Public Power utility poles (by separate permission). (Approved administratively 10/13/08)
- Ordinance No. 1558-08 (Ward 12/Brancatelli): Authorizing the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to purchase property for future redevelopment at 7411 Ottawa Avenue, for the Department of Community Development; and authorizing the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to convey the property to Slavic Village Development, or its designee, which is not needed for public use.
- Ordinance No. 1455-08 (Ward 17/Zone): Authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to execute a deed of easement granting to the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District certain easement rights located within a portion of Permanent Parcel No. 003-01-004 and declaring the easement rights granted are not needed for public use. (Moved from Summary Calendar to Administrative Approvals.)
- M 2006-025: 6104 Carnegie Avenue (south side of Carnegie just east of RR Tracks), Billboard Proposal in MidTown BRD (prohibited in Zoning Code), Seeking Approval prior to BZA meeting (BRD/Ward 5).(Tabled from November 17)
- LH 2008-015: 3902 Lee Road, Harvard Commons, Addition and Storefront Renovation (BRD/Ward ) [Submitted
- DRC 08-085: 10050 Cedar Avenue, Global Cardiovascular Innovation Center, Project Redesign, Design Development (Land Bank/Ward 6) [Submitted 10/7/08] (DRC 08-009/March 6, 2008)
- DRC 08-077: 1701 East 12th Street, Reserve Square, WOIO-TV/WUAB-TV, Business Identification Sign (PLPD/Ward 13) [Submitted 9/18/08]
- DRC 08-089: Ontario Street & Eagle Avenue, Redesign Billboard by Clear Channel Outdoor (PLPD/Ward 13) [Submitted
- DRC 08-087: 1535 East 18th Street, Vacant Factory, Demoliton (PLPD/Ward 13) [Submitted 9/23/08] (Fr Oct. 3, 2008)
- Ordinance No. 1587-08 (Sweeney/Ward 20): Authorizing the Director of Port Control to lease certain property to the United States of America located at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport to construct, maintain, and operate an air traffic control tower and related facilities for a period up to forty-one years; and to lease certain property to the United States of America located in the passenger terminal building at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, known as the Old Traffic Control Tower, for its use and occupancy to be used for general office, operations, storage, and generator space, for a period up to seven years, or until the new air traffic control tower to be constructed provides all FAA air traffic service to the Airport, whichever occurs first.
- Resolution No. 1619-08 (Santiago/Ward 14): Declaring the intent to vacate a portion of West 29th Street.
- Ordinance No. 1618-08 (Zone/Ward 17): Authorizing the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to purchase property for future redevelopment at 5819 Ellen Avenue, for the Department of Community Development; and authorizing the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to convey the property to Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization, or its designee, which is not needed for public use.
- Ordinance No. 1624-08 (Ward 6/Mitchell): An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on East 86th Street to Cleveland Housing Network, Inc.
- Ordinance No. 1586-08 (Sweeney/Ward 20): Authorizing the Director of Port Control to enter into a Lease Agreement with Champlain Enterprises, Inc., dba CommutAir for the lease of hangar and ramp space at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, for the Department of Port Control, for a period of two years, with two one-year options to renew, the first of which is exercisable through additional legislative authority.
- UCDD 08-035: 10524 Euclid Avenue, W.O. Walker Building, New Signage (Ward 6) [Submitted 10/ /08]