The Cleveland Safe Routes to School program, in partnership with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District and the City of Cleveland, supports school attendance, academic performance, conditions for learning, and a focus on health and equity by enabling and encouraging CMSD K-8 students to walk or bicycle to school safely. Since 2015, Cleveland SRTS has adopted a comprehensive, district-wide approach to implementing education, encouragement, engineering, enforcement, and evaluation strategies to improve walking and biking conditions for students.
The Cleveland Safe Routes to School Executive Team is led by the Cleveland City Planning Commission and the Cleveland Metropolitan School District.

Freddy L. Collier, Jr. was appointed to serve as the Director of Cleveland City Planning Commission in 2014. Freddy has over 20 years of experience in community lending and urban planning. As Director, he works with a team of professional planners who enlist other City departments, community stakeholders, and agencies to promote and implement planning initiatives throughout the City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County and Northeast Ohio. Freddy has been a leader in promoting the connections between planning and health outcomes in the community. Prior to joining the Cleveland Planning Commission, Collier worked for Fifth Third Bank of Northeast Ohio. A graduate of Cleveland Benedictine High School, Collier holds a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies with an emphasis in urban planning and a master’s degree in Public Administration. He is a graduate of the Cleveland Management Academy and in 2011, was selected to be an Urban Fellow through the John McCloy Fellowship in Urban Affairs established by the American Council on Germany. He is also certified to teach “Roots of Success”, an environmental and job readiness curriculum for youth and adults, many of whom represent underserved communities.

Calley Mersmann is the Safe Routes to School coordinator for the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, as well as an avid bicyclist and active transportation advocate. Prior to joining the school district, Calley worked for The Center for Community Solutions and with the Sustainable Cleveland 2019 initiative in the Mayor's Office of Sustainability. In her free time, Calley is increasing bicycle and pedestrian activity and awareness through reintroducing the open streets movement to Cleveland. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Ecology from the Odum School at the University of Georgia, and a Master of Public Affairs from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University-Bloomington.
Stakeholder Groups and Representatives
Thanks to the following stakeholder groups and representatives who shared their time and talend during the School Travel Plan process.
Cleveland SRTS Core Team Members
- Freddy Collier, City of Cleveland, City Planning, Director
- Marka Fields, City of Cleveland, City Planning, Chief City Planner
- Martin Cader, City of Cleveland, City Planning, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator
- Monyka Price, City of Cleveland, Office of the Mayor, Chief of Education
- Desiree Powell, Cleveland Metropolitan School District, Director of Encore and Wellness
- Tammy Tarleton, Cleveland Metropolitan School District, Community Service Lieutenant
- Ryan Noles, NOACA, Transportation Planner/TLCI Program Manager
- Melissa Thompson, NOACA, Active Transportation Engineer
- Jacob VanSickle, Bike Cleveland, Executive Director
- Rob Thompson, Bike Cleveland, Communications and Membership Manager
- John Motl, The Ohio Department of Transportation, District 12 SRTS and Bike & Ped Coordinator
- Kate Moening, Safe Routes to School National Partnership, Ohio Field Services Manager
- Julie Walcoff, The Ohio Department of Transportation, Active Transportation Program Manager
Cleveland SRTS HIA Team Members
- Freddy Collier, City of Cleveland, City Planning, Director
- Marka Fields, City of Cleveland, City Planning, Chief City Planner
- Calley Mersmann, Cleveland Metropolitan School District, Cleveland Safe Routes Coordinator
- Emily Campbell, The Center for Community Solutions, Associate Director and Williamson Family Fellow for Applied Research
- Barb Clint, YMCA Greater Cleveland, Director of Community Health and Advocacy
- Katie Davis, MetroHealth System, School Health Program Director
- Anne Hill, MetroHealth System, Local Government Relations and Community Affairs Director (through 2015)
- Neal Hodges, Neighborhood Connections, Greater University Circle Community Health Initiative Project Manager
- Chenai Milton, City of Cleveland, Department of Public Health, Epidemiologist
- Natalie Ranger, City of Cleveland, Department of Public Health, Graduate Assistant
- Alex Rigda, University Hospital, Rainbow Babies and Children, Healthy Kids Healthy Weight, Behavioral Health Specialist
- Jana Rush, City of Cleveland, Department of Public Health, Director of Communicable Disease Surveillance & Epidemiology
- Rachael Sommer, City of Cleveland, Department of Public Health, Healthy Cleveland Program Manager
- Marissa Williams, George Gund Foundation, Fellow
Cleveland SRTS Steering Committee Members
- Jenita McGowan, City of Cleveland, Office of the Mayor, Chief of Sustainability
- Ellis Johnson, Cleveland Police Department, Bureau of Community Policing, Commander (through 2015)
- Tim Higgins, Cleveland Police Department, Bureau of Community Policing, Sergeant
- Rob Mavec, City of Cleveland, Traffic Engineering, Commissioner
- Regina Leverett, City of Cleveland, Traffic Engineering, Engineer
- Karen Lopez, City of Cleveland, Building and Housing, Administrative Officer
- Jana Rush, City of Cleveland, Department of Public Health, Director of Communicable Disease Surveillance & Epidemiology
- Chenai Milton, City of Cleveland, Department of Public Health, Epidemiologist
- Rachael Sommer, City of Cleveland, Department of Public Health, Healthy Cleveland Program Manager
- Valerie Shea, Greater Cleveland Rapid Transit Association, Programming and Planning Department, Planning Team Lead
- Maribeth Feke, Greater Cleveland Rapid Transit Association, Director of Planning
- Tracy Hill, Cleveland Metropolitan School District, Office of Family and Community Engagement, Executive Director
- Tom Ott, Cleveland Metropolitan School District, CMSD News Bureau, Manager
- Stephen Love, Cleveland Foundation, Program Officer
- Heather Torok, Saint Luke’s Foundation, Senior Program Officer for Healthy People
- Marissa Williams, George Gund Foundation, Fellow
- Dawn Glasco, Sisters of Charity Foundation, Cleveland Central Promise Neighborhood, Engagement Coordinator
- Joseph Black, Sisters of Charity Foundation, Cleveland Central Promise Neighborhood, Engagement Manager
- Dan Hinman, United Way of Greater Cleveland, Income Program Associate
- Anne Hill, MetroHealth System, Local Government Relations and Community Affairs, Director (through 2015)
- Katie Davis, MetroHealth System, School Health Program Director
- Alex Rigda, University Hospital, Rainbow Babies and Children, Healthy Kids Healthy Weight, Behavioral Health Specialist
- Barb Clint, YMCA Greater Cleveland, Director of Community Health and Advocacy
- Ron Soeder, Boys and Girls Clubs of Cleveland, President
- Jim Sheehan, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op, Executive Director
- Emily Campbell, The Center for Community Solutions, Associate Director and Williamson Family Fellow for Applied Research
- Neal Hodges, Neighborhood Connections, Greater University Circle Community Health Initiative, Project Manager
- Lee DeAngelis, Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association, Support Services, Director
- Kirby Broadnax, Western Reserve Land Conservancy, Beam Fellow—Placemaking and Equity
- Isaac Robb, Western Reserve Land Conservancy, Thriving Communities, Planning Fellow
Consultant Team Members
- Mark Nolt, PE – The Kleingers Group (Project Manager)
- David F. Shipps, AICP – TranSystems Corporation (Deputy Project Manager)
- Stephanie Tresso – MurphyEpson (Public Involvement Lead)
School Walk Audit Partners
- Karen Lopez, City of Cleveland, Building and Housing, Administrative Officer
- Marka Fields, City of Cleveland, City Planning, Chief City Planner
- Martin Cader, City of Cleveland, City Planning, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator
- George Cantor, City of Cleveland, City Planning, Neighborhood Planner
- Trevor Hunt, City of Cleveland, City Planning, Neighborhood Planner
- Tom Jordan, City of Cleveland, City Planning, Neighborhood Planner
- Kim Scott, City of Cleveland, City Planning, Neighborhood Planner
- Sharonda Whatley, City of Cleveland, City Planning, Neighborhood Planner
Community Participants and Partners
- Alliance for a Healthier Generation
- Bike Cleveland
- Boys and Girls Clubs of Cleveland
- Office of the Mayor, Offices of Education, Sustainability, Capital Projects
- City of Cleveland, Department of Building and Housing
- City of Cleveland, City Planning Commission
- City of Cleveland, Department of Community Relations
- City of Cleveland, Department of Public Health
- City of Cleveland, Department of Public Safety
- City of Cleveland, Department of Public Works
- City of Cleveland, Department of Traffic Engineering
- Cleveland City Council
- Cleveland Clinic
- Cleveland Foundation
- Cleveland Metropolitan School District
- George Gund Foundation
- MetroHealth System
- Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency
- Ohio City Bicycle Co-op
- Ohio Department of Transportation
- Safe Routes to School National Partnership
- Saint Luke’s Foundation
- Sisters of Charity Foundation
- The Center for Community Solutions
- United Way of Greater Cleveland
- University Hospitals
- Western Reserve Land Conservancy
- YMCA Greater Cleveland