Design Review Committee & City Planning Commission
Agenda for May 15 & 16, 2008
starts at 1:30 p.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.
Draft Agenda for May 15, 2008
Committee MembersDavid Parrish
Norman K. Perttula
Jonathan Sandvick
Mark Schwartz
Kay Taber
Rory O. Turner
Barbara Williams
Jack Bialosky, Jr.
Melanie Boyd
Craig R. Brown
Keith Brown
Cavana I.O. Faithwalker
Fred H. Holman, Jr. Vice Chair.
Thomas Zarfoss
- DRC 08-044:Terminal Drive, Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, Variable Safety Message Sign (City Project/Ward 20) [Submitted 5/1/08]
- DRC 08-046:East 55th Street, North of Central Avenue, Central Commons Retail Project (Land Bank/Ward 5) [Submitted 5/8/08]
- DRC 08-045:668 Euclid Avenue, 668 Building, Adaptive Re-use, Site Plan Concept & Building Exterior Changes (PLPD/Ward 13) [Submitted 5/8/08]
3:00 Target Meeting End
starts at 9:00 a.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.
Draft Agenda for May 16, 2008
Planning Commission Members
Gloria Jean Pinkney
Joe Cimperman
Norman Krumholz
Robert N. Brown
Anthony J. Coyne, Chairman
David H. Bowen
Lillian Kuri
Lawrence A. Lumpkin
- Ordinance Number 1266-07 – Changing the Use Districts of property located on the north and south sides of Miles Avenue between E. 167th Street and the City boundary to RA-2 Townhouse and Residence Industry. (this rezoning would change the current GR zoning to reflect the actual residential uses in the area and prevent any GR uses that could have negative impact on residential character.) Ward 1-Nina Turner
- Ordinance Number 2023-07 - To change the zoning of parcels on the northeast corner of Marquette Street and Saint Clair Avenue from Semi-Industry to Local Retail Business (Map Change No. 2247 Sheet No. 4). (property known as Julia’s Café near the intersection of E. 55 St. and St. Clair Ave.– Councilman is concerned about future land use) Ward 13 –Cimperman.
- Ordinance Number 558-08 – To change the Use, Area, and Height Districts of lands located on the north side of Denison Avenue east of West 22nd Place and south of Fern Court to a Multi-Family District, ‘D’ Area District and a ‘2’ Height District (from 2F and LR). (this rezoning would allow for an elderly living facility; ). Ward 15 – Councilman Cummins.
- Ordinance Number 653-08 – To change the Use District of land located on the north east corner of East 55th Street and Superior Avenue from General Retail Business to Residence Office District. (former Taco Bell and Rally’s buildings that the Councilman and St. Clair Superior Development Corp. are concerned about the future land use.) Ward 13- Councilman Cimperman
- Ordinance Number 703-08 – To change the Use District of land located on the southeast corner of East 55th Street and Saint Clair Avenue from General Retail Business to Residence Office District. (former BP building that the Councilman and St. Clair Superior Development Corp. are concerned about the future land use.) Ward 13- Councilman Cimperman
- Ordinance No. 648-08 - Approving certain amendments to the Flats East Bank Community Development Plan for the Plan Area and for the Action which is located within the Plan Area.
- Ordinance No. 649-08 – Authorizing the Director of Parks, Recreation and Properties to apply for and accept a grant from the State of Oho to assist with the acquisition of real property needed for the Flats East Bank Project; authorizing a project agreement with the Wolstein Group, Inc. and the Flats East Development LLC relating to the acquisition of property; ; authorizing a cooperative agreement with the State of Ohio, The Wolstein Group, Inc. and The Flats East Development LLC relating to the project; and authorizing the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to purchase the subject project.
- Ordinance No. 636-08 – To amend Section 10 of Ordinance No. 255-07, passed March 26, 2007, relating to giving consent of the City of Cleveland to the Cuyahoga County Commissioners for the rehabilitation of the Columbus Road Lift Bridge and causing payment for the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 637-08 – to amend the title and Sections 1 and 4 of Ordinance No. 912-07, passed June 11, 2007, relating to the public improvement of removing and replacing the Longmeade Avenue and St. John Avenue culverts, to include repairs to the Guardian Culvert, and repairing, removing, or replacing various bridges under the 2006 Bridge Plan.
- Ordinance No. 635-08 – To amend Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1855-06, passed December 11, 2006, relating to an amendment to Contract No. 64009 with Arcadis G&M of Ohio, Inc., formerly known as Arcadis FPS, Inc. to proceed with final engineering services and Stage 3 services for the Bessemer Avenue Extension Phase II project; determining the method of making the public improvement of constructing Phase II of the Bessemer Extension; and authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 700-08 – Authorizing the Director of Community Development to transfer Permanent Parcel No. 001-30-006, to the control, possession, and use of the Department of Economic Development for environmental remediation and development; authorizing the Director of Economic Development to enter into lease or lease with option to purchase a portion of the property, to Penstan LLC, dba Cosmos Industrial Services, for a period of five years, with two five-year options to renew, exercisable by the Director of Economic Development; authorizing the commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to sell approximately 0.62 acres of City-owned property no longer needed for public use located with the transferred property to Penstan, LLC, dba Cosmos Industrial Services, under the project agreement , for the purpose of development; ;and authorizing the Director of Economic Development to enter into a project agreement with Penstan, LLC and Algart Health Care.
- Ordinance No. 645-08 (Westbrook): Authorizing the Commissioner or Purchases and Supplies to purchase property for future redevelopment at 2048-50 west 98th Street, for the Department of Community Development; and authorizing the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to convey the property to Cudell Improvement, Inc. or its designee, which is not needed for public use.
- 8.Ordinance No. 592-08 (Polensek): Authorizing the commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to purchase properties for future redevelopment at 1466 East 174th Street, 1312 East 187th Street, and 19406 Nyack Court, for the Department of Community Development; and authorizing the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to convey the properties to Collinwood Nottingham Villages Development Corporation, or its designee, which are not needed for public use.
- Ordinance No. 505-08 (Lewis/Ward 7): An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on Wade Park Avenue to Jimmie L. Richard.
- Ordinance No. 684-08 (Johnson/Ward 4): Determining the method of making the public improvement of renovating and repairing Public Auditorium, which includes Music Halland Public Hall, and renovating and repairing the exhibit halls and meeting rooms of the Convention Center; authorizing the Director of Parks, Recreation and Properties to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement; authorizing the Director to employ one or more professional consultants to design the improvement; and to enter into various written standard purchase and requirement contracts needed in connection with the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 706 (Westbrook/Ward 18): An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on West 97th Street to Adrian Halcomb.
- Ordinance No. 603-08 (Zone/Ward 17): An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on Storer Avenue to F.S. Metals, Inc.
- Ordinance No. 768-08 (Brancatelli/Ward 12): Determining the method of making the public improvement of constructing improvements on Osage and Marble between East 78th Street and Broadway Avenue; and authorizing the Director of Economic Development to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement; and authorizing the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to acquire for right-of-way purposes real property necessary to make the public improvement.
- Ordinance No. 770-08 (Zone/Ward 17): Authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to enter into an agreement to lease to Case Western Reserve University property located on the Kirtland Intake Crib for the purpose of conducting wind and environmental studies and maintaining the wind monitoring data and equipment for a period of two years.
- Ordinance No. 640-08 (Conwell/Ward 9): Authorizing the director of Public Safety to lease property at 18574 Cranwood Parkway in Warrensville Heights, Ohio Realty for the public purpose of occupying space to store and maintain vehicles for the Division of Correction, for a term not to exceed five months.
- CM 2008-002:3225 Fulton Road (NE Corner of Fulton and Meyer), Mercedarian Plaza Elderly Housing Project, (Clark-Metro BRD) (Ward 14)
- UCDD 07–011:Euclid Avenue, between MLK and East Boulevard Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority “Osmosis” - ECTP Public Art -2nd Review.
- UCDD 08–014:11330 Euclid Avenue, University Circle Inc – Visitor Center Signage – 2nd Review.
- UCDD 08–018:University Circle Inc – Circle Place Upper Floor, Improvements
- DRC 08-044:Terminal Drive, Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, Variable Safety Message Sign (City Project/Ward 20) [Submitted 5/1/08]
- DRC 08-046:East 55th Street, North of Central Avenue, Central Commons Retail Project (Land Bank/Ward 5) [Submitted 5/8/08]
- DRC 08-045:668 Euclid Avenue, 668 Building, Adaptive Re-use, Site Plan Concept & Building Exterior Changes (PLPD/Ward 13) [Submitted 5/8/08]