Design Review Committee & City Planning Commission
Agenda for January 17 & 18, 2008


DESIGN REVIEW starts at 1:30 p.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.


Draft Agenda for January 17, 2008

Committee Members

David Parrish
Norman K. Perttula
Jonathan Sandvick
Mark Schwartz
Kay Taber
Rory O. Turner
Barbara Williams
Jack Bialosky, Jr.
Melanie Boyd
Craig R. Brown
Keith Brown
Cavana I.O. Faithwalker
Fred H. Holman, Jr. Vice Chair.
Thomas Zarfoss

  1. 614 Euclid Avenue/668 Euclid Avenue, Demolition of the Dollar Bank Building/Renovation of the 668 Building:  For information only; no action being sought.  (PLPD/Ward 13) [No complete design review submittal yet received.]
  2. DRC 08-001:18235 Euclid Avenue, Village Green Senior Housing (Housing/Ward 10)  [Submitted 1/7/08]
  3. DRC 08-003:East 9th & Carnegie Avenue (1101 Carnegie Avenue), Wall Mural, “Cleveland Believes” (PLPD/Historic Gateway Neighborhood/Ward 13) [Submitted 1/10/08]
  4. DRC 08-004:2401 Ontario Street, Progressive Field Renaming from Jacobs Field, Exterior Signage (PLPD/Ward 13) [Submitted 1/11/08]
  5. DRC 07-132:905 Fruit Avenue, Single-family Residence by Civic Builders (Housing/Land Bank/Denied by HDRS/Ward 13) [Submitted 12/5/07]
  6. DRC 07-133:1876-1882 West 45th Street, Five Single-family Homes by Civic Builders (Housing/Land Bank/Denied by HDRS/Ward 13) [Submitted 12/5/07]

PLANNING COMMISSION starts at 9:00 a.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.


Draft Agenda for January 18, 2008

Planning Commission Members

Gloria Jean Pinkney
Joe Cimperman
Norman Krumholz
Robert N. Brown
Anthony J. Coyne, Chairman
David H. Bowen
Lillian Kuri
Lawrence A. Lumpkin

  1. Ordinance Number  5-08- To change the Use District of land at the northwest corner of West 11th Street and Fairfield Avenue from Multi-Family Residential to Local Retail Business shown shaded on the attached map(Map Change Number 2250, Sheet 7).  Ward 13 – Councilman Cimperman.

Bell Burten Carr BRD Design Review

  1. BBC 2007-005:5618-5708 Woodland Avenue, Pole and Monument Signs for Church’s Chicken, Seeking Final Approval (BRD/Ward 5).


  1. 614 Euclid Avenue/668 Euclid Avenue, Demolition of the Dollar Bank Building/Renovation of the 668 Building:  For information only; no action being sought.  (PLPD/Ward 13) [No complete design review submittal yet received.]
  2. DRC 08-001:18235 Euclid Avenue, Village Green Senior Housing (Housing/Ward 10)  [Submitted 1/7/08]
  3. DRC 08-003:East 9th & Carnegie Avenue (1101 Carnegie Avenue), Wall Mural, “Cleveland Believes” (PLPD/Historic Gateway Neighborhood/Ward 13) [Submitted 1/10/08]
  4. DRC 08-004:2401 Ontario Street, Progressive Field Renaming from Jacobs Field, Exterior Signage (PLPD/Ward 13) [Submitted 1/11/08]
  5. DRC 07-132:905 Fruit Avenue, Single-family Residence by Civic Builders (Housing/Land Bank/Denied by HDRS/Ward 13) [Submitted 12/5/07]
  6. DRC 07-133:1876-1882 West 45th Street, Five Single-family Homes by Civic Builders (Housing/Land Bank/Denied by HDRS/Ward 13) [Submitted 12/5/07]