Design Review Committee & City Planning Commission
Agenda for April 19 & 20, 2007
starts at 1:30 p.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.
Draft Agenda for April 19, 2007
Committee MembersDavid Parrish
Norman K. Perttula
Jonathan Sandvick
Mark Schwartz
Kay Taber
Rory O. Turner
Barbara Williams
Jack Bialosky, Jr.
Melanie Boyd
Craig R. Brown
Keith Brown
Cavana I.O. Faithwalker
Fred H. Holman, Jr. Vice Chair.
Thomas Zarfoss
- DRC 06-032: NW Corner of East 83 rd Street & Carnegie Avenue, Rumi’s Market, Final Approval (City Land Bank/Ward 6) (Fr May 4, 2006) [Submitted April 10, 2007]
- DRC 07-027: 9300 Quincy Avenue, Cuyahoga County Juvenile Justice Center, Conceptual Review (Government Building/Ward 6) [Submitted April 10, 2007]
- DRC 07-024: Quincy Avenue & East 55 th Street, CMHA, Carver Park Estates, “A” Block Roof Replacement Plan [CMHA/Ward 5) [Submitted April 10, 2007]
- DRC 07-022: East 55 th Street Bridge over I-90, “ Cleveland” Art Piece for Decorative Fence, Conceptual Review (Public ROW/Ward 13) [Submitted 3/15/07]
- DRC 07-031: SW Corner of East 101 st Street & Chester Avenue, Rite Aid (CCF/Ward 6)
4:00 Target Meeting End.
starts at 9:00 a.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.
Draft Agenda for April 20, 2006
Planning Commission Members
Gloria Jean Pinkney
Joe Cimperman
Norman Krumholz
Robert N. Brown
Anthony J. Coyne, Chairman
David H. Bowen
Lillian Kuri
Lawrence A. Lumpkin
- Ordinance No. 69-07 (Lewis/Ward 7): Changing the zoning of land on the north side of Chester Avenue between East 90 th Street and East 97 th Street from a Multi-Family Residential Use District to Local Retail Business, a General Retail Business and a ‘3’ Height District (Map Change No. 2206; Sheet No. 5).
- Ordinance No. 298-07 (Cimperman/Ward 13): To change the zoning of property located on the west side of East 33 rd Street north of Perkins Avenue from Multi-Family Residential to Residence Industry District (Map Change No. 2216; Sheet No. 5).
- Ordinance No. 299-07 (Cimperman/Ward 13): To change the zoning of property located between East 41 st Street and East 43 rd Street south of Superior from Two-Family Residential to Semi-Industry (Map Change No. 2218; Sheet No. 4).
- Ordinance No. 300-07 (Reed/Ward 3): To change the zoning of property located on the southwest corner of Kinsman Road and East 123 rd Street from RA-2 to Local Retail Business and a ‘C’ Area District (Map Change No. 2215; Sheet No. 10).
- Ordinance No. 301-07 (Zone/Ward 17): To change the zoning of property located on the northwest and southwest corners of Father Caruso at West 65 th Street and at West 67 th Street to Two-Family Residential and a ‘1’ Height District (Map Change No. 2217; Sheet No. 1).
- Ordinance No. 544-07 (Zone/Ward 17): Changing the Use Districts of parcels on the northeast corner of West 65 th Street and Franklin Avenue from a Two Family District to a Local Retail Business District. (Map Change Number 2223, Sheet No. 1)
- Ordinance No. 498-07 (Polensek/Ward 11): Establishing a Pedestrian Retail Overlay (PRO) District along East 185 th Street between Lake Shore Boulevard and Waterloo Road (Map Change No. 2221, Sheet No. 7).
- Ordinance No. 499-07 (Polensek/Ward 11): Establishing a Pedestrian Retail Overly (PRO) District along Waterloo Road and East 156 th Street bounded by Huntmere Avenue to the north, East 152 nd Street to the west and E. 163 rd Street to the east (Map Change No. 222, Sheet No. 7.
- Ordinance No. 485-07 (Cimperman/Ward 13): Determining the method of making the public improvement of rehabilitating, renovating, reconstructing or otherwise improving City Hall; authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into one or more public improvement contracts to construct the improvement; and authorizing the director to employ one or more professional consultants necessary to implement the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 486-07 (Brady, Cimperman, Sweeney): Determining the method of making the public improvement of rehabilitating, renovating, reconstructing or otherwise improving various City of Cleveland facilities; authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into one or more public improvement contracts to construct the improvement; and authorizing the director of employ one or more professional consultants necessary to implement the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 487-07 (Brady, Cimperman, Sweeney): Determining the method of making the public improvement of rehabilitating, renovating, reconstructing or otherwise improving various Department of Public Health facilities, authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter intone more public improvement contracts to construct the improvement; and authorizing the director to employ one or more professional consultants necessary to implement the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 488-07 (Brady, Cimperman, Sweeney): Determining the method of making the public improvement of rehabilitating, renovating, reconstructing or otherwise improving various Department of Law facilities, authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into one or more public improvement contracts to construct the improvement; and authorizing the director to employ one or more professional consultants necessary to implement the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 489-07 (Brady, Cimperman, Sweeney): Determining the method of making the public improvement of rehabilitating, renovating, reconstructing or otherwise improving various Department of Parks, Recreation and Properties facilities, authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into one or more public improvement contracts to construct the improvement; and authorizing the director to employ one or more professional consultants necessary to implement the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 490-07 (Brady, Cimperman, Sweeney): Determining the method of making the public improvement of rehabilitating, renovating, reconstructing or otherwise improving various Department of Public Safety facilities, authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into one or more public improvement contracts to construct the improvement; and authorizing the director to employ one or more professional consultants necessary to implement the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 535-07 (Brady, Cimperman, Sweeney): Determining the method of making the public improvement of rehabilitating, renovating, reconstructing or otherwise improving various Department of Public Service facilities, authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into one or more public improvement contracts to construct the improvement; and authorizing the director to employ one or more professional consultants necessary to implement the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 483-07 (Zone, Cimperman, t Sweeney/Ward 17): Determining the method of making the public improvement of demolishing and removing existing facilities at the West 41 st Street facility and the construction of two manufactured steel buildings, for the Division of Public Power; authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to enter into one or more public improvement contracts to construct the improvement; and authorizing the director to employ one or more professional consultants necessary to implement the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 531-07 (Cimperman/Ward 13): Authorizing the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to purchase property for developing a transitional housing facility for men at 1550 Superior Avenue; authorizing the Director of Community Development to enter into a purchase agreement with Lake Erie Motel, Inc. relating to the sale of the property and acquisition of furniture and fixtures; authorizing the Director to make relocation payments; determining the method of making the public improvement of rehabilitating the property; and authorizing the Director to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement; for the Department of Community Development.
- Ordinance No. 224-07 (Cimperman/Ward 13): Rescinding the designation of Stanard School as a Cleveland Landmark.
- Ordinance No. 533-07 (Cimperman/Ward 13): Authorizing the Director of Public Service to issue a permit to Reserve Hotel, Ltd. To encroach into the public right-of-way of East 12 th Street, East 13 th Street, Superior Avenue and Chester Avenue by installing, using, and maintaining four 6” high planters and eight 14” high planters and a split level café located at the northwest corner of the Reserve Square building to include stairs and handicap accessible ramp, fence with piers capped by planters.
- Ordinance No. 66-07 (Lewis/Ward 7): An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on East 97 th Street to the Finch Group or designee.
- Ordinance No. 492-07 (Cleveland/Ward 5): To amend the title of Ordinance No. 609-06, passed June 12, 2006; and to supplement the ordinance by adding new Sections 5a and 5b to include the public improvement relating to the Quincy Road Rehabilitation from East 40 th Street to Woodhill Road.
- Ordinance No. 495-07 (Conwell/Ward 9): Authorizing the Director of Public Service to issue a permit to Medical Center Company to encroach into the public right-of-way beneath Bellflower Road N.E. and Ford Drive N.E. by installing, using, and maintaining chilled water, steam, and electric power lines.
- Ordinance No. 539-07 (Brancatelli/Ward 12) : Declaring the intent to vacate a portion of Morgana Avenue S.E. (60 feet wide) and a portion of Osmond Court S.E. (50 Feet Wide).
- Resolution No. 538-07 (Turner/Ward 1): Declaring the intent to vacate a portion of the first un-named Alley North of Miles Avenue from East 167 th Street to Wyatt Road.
- DRC 06-032: NW Corner of East 83 rd Street & Carnegie Avenue, Rumi’s Market, Final Approval (City Land Bank/Ward 6) (Fr May 4, 2006) [Submitted April 10, 2007]
- DRC 07-027: 9300 Quincy Avenue, Cuyahoga County Juvenile Justice Center, Conceptual Review (Government Building/Ward 6) [Submitted April 10, 2007]
- DRC 07-024: Quincy Avenue & East 55 th Street, CMHA, Carver Park Estates, “A” Block Roof Replacement Plan [CMHA/Ward 5) [Submitted April 10, 2007]
- DRC 07-022: East 55 th Street Bridge over I-90, “ Cleveland” Art Piece for Decorative Fence, Conceptual Review (Public ROW/Ward 13) [Submitted 3/15/07]
- DRC 07-031 : SW Corner of East 101 st Street & Chester Avenue, Rite Aid (CCF/Ward 6)