October 29, 2007


9:30   Ward 13
Calendar No. 07-204:       3205 Whitman Avenue Joe Cimperman
    11 Notices

Joseph Race, owner, and Kirk and Anya Hodgson, prospective purchasers, appeal to erect a 20’ x 68’ one family, two-story frame dwelling with a 25’ x 26’ attached garage, proposed to be situated on a 32.49’ x 87.96’ parcel located in a Two-Family District on the south side of Whitman Avenue at 3205 Whitman Avenue; subject to Section 327.02(e) the lot consolidation requires approval by the Division of Engineering and Construction; and contrary to Section 355.04(a) a lot width of 32.49 and not 40 square feet is provided with a maximum gross floor area that exceeds 50 percent of the lot size, providing 2,924 square feet  where 2,589 is required; and contrary to Section 357.09(2)B the total width of side yards on the same premises equals 6 feet and 10 feet is required, with a distance of 6 feet where an open porch may not extend within 10 feet of the street line, according to Section 357.13(b)(4) of the Codified Ordinances. (Filed 10-9-07)

9:30   Ward 13
Calendar No. 07-205:        1015 University Road Joe Cimperman
    5 Notices

Matt and Brian Russell, owners, appeal to erect a 22’ x 39’ three-story dwelling with a detached 22’ x 20’ garage, on a 33.50’ x 106.16’ parcel located in a Multi-Family District on the south side of University Road at 1015 University Road; contrary to  Area Requirements, the maximum gross floor area provided is 2,676 square feet and exceeds 50 percent of the lot size, or 1,772.68 square feet, that is allowed according to the Area Regulations under Section 355.04(a) of the Codified Ordinances.

(Filed 10-10-07)                   9:30
  Ward 9
Calendar No. 07-206:       11901 Durant Avenue  Kevin Conwell
       29 Notices

The Cleveland Metropolitan School District, owner, appeals to construct a new Kindergarten through Grade 8 school building on the site of the former Patrick Henry Junior High School on the north side of Durant Avenue at 11901 Durant Avenue; the proposed school, regulated by reference to Section 337.02(f)(3) for a One-Family District, is required to be 30 feet from any adjoining premises in a residence district not used for similar purpose and requiring the Board of Zoning Appeals approval; and 61 off-street parking spaces are provided where 73 spaces are required, according to the provisions in Section 349.04(c) of the Codified Ordinances.
(Filed 10-12-07)                  


  Ward 1
Calendar No. 07-58:            3902 Lee Road Nina Turner
    17 Notices

John Barnes, Jr., owner, appeals to erect a 2nd and 3rd floors addition to an existing one-story building, situated on a 38’ x 125.59’ parcel located in a Local Retail Business District on the west side of Lee Road at 3902 Lee Road; subject to Section 357.07(a) there is a 10’ specific setback required from Lee Road; and the expansion of an existing nonconforming use requires the Board of Zoning Appeals approval, according to the provisions of Section 359.01 of the Codified Ordinances. (Filed 4-25-07; testimony taken.)            
Third postponement taken for outcome of pending action in Cleveland Municipal Court.                                


     Ward 15
Calendar No. 07-116:        4190 Bradley Road   Brian Cummins
    9 Notices

Ron and Debra Roy, owners, appeal to establish use of a 377’ x 368’ parcel for auto storage, repair and sales, situated in a Residence Industry District on the south side of Bradley Road at 4190 Bradley Road; subject to the limitations of Section 345.02, auto storage and a repair garage are not permitted and first permitted in a Semi-Industry District, provided that the auto storage lot is enclosed by a 7 foot high, solid fence and the use for auto repair may not be located less than 100 feet from a residence district, and as proposed, there is no fence that complies with Section 345.03(c)(2) and the property is less than 100 feet from a Multi-Family District; and no barrier is proposed, where a used car lot must maintain a one and a half foot barrier at the setback line (15 feet) behind which all vehicles, advertising and parking must be kept; no landscaping is proposed and a 4 foot wide, frontage landscape strip is required where the lot abuts the street, according to the provisions of Section 352.10 of the Codified Ordinances. (Filed 6-21-07; no testimony taken.)
Third postponement taken by appellant for additional time to discuss the plan with the Councilman, who requested having City staff input regarding the property, its history and the appellants’ proposal.

  Ward 21
Calendar No. 07-176:       16204 Southland Avenue Martin Keane
    4 Notices

Kenneth Trump, owner, appeals to erect a new accessory garage, proposed to be situated on a 40’ x 101.12’ parcel located in a One-Family District on the north side of Southland Avenue at 16204 Southland Avenue; contrary to Section 337.23(7)(a), a floor area of 749 square feet is proposed contrary to 650 square feet; with an overall height of 20 feet and 17 foot mean height proposed where the maximum height allowed is 15 feet, as stated in Section 353.05 of the Codified Ordinances.
(Filed 8-13-07; no testimony taken.)
First postponement requested by appellant due to a conflict with scheduling for work related travel.