The City of Cleveland has made a commitment to becoming a bicycle-friendly community.
Some the city's recent accomplishments include:
- Adoption of the Cleveland Bikeway Master Plan (2007)
- Passage of a Bicycle Parking Zoning Ordinance (2008)
- Passage of the Complete & Green Streets Ordinance (2012)
- Development of a Complete & Green Streets Typologies Plan (2013)
- Adoption of the Bikeway Implementation Plan (2014). Full article here.

As one sign of progress, in 2013 the League of American Bicyclists recognized Cleveland as a Bronze level Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC). The Bronze BFC award highlights our community's commitment to improving conditions for bicycling through investment in bicycling promotion, education programs, infrastructure and pro-bicycling policies.

In 2014 Bicycling Magazine named Cleveland as one of the nations Top 50 Bike-Friendly Cities. Full article here.

100 Bikes
10 Stations
Endless Possibilities
To see more details about Cleveland's Bicycle Friendly Community plans click here