Miller Brewing Co. - Milwaukee, WI
Industrial use within a walkable environment


The Hyacinth TOD as planned is a mixed-use community within an average 2,000-foot walking distance to the E 55th Street transit stop, and a core commercial area within one mile. This TOD could realize a mix of residential, retail, office, open space, and public uses in a walkable environment, which would be convenient for residents and employees to travel by transit, bicycle, foot, or car. This neighborhood will experience an added benefit in accessing the RTA station from a pedestrian bridge connecting the neighborhood to the station.

The connectivity of the Opportunity Corridor creates an ideal location for future St. Hyacinth TOD residents to conveniently access the University Circle employment center. Additionally, the Campus District and points west including Downtown are easily accessed from the St. Hyacinth TOD neighborhood.

Baker Square - Pittsburgh, PA
Re-use of industrial building around transit

Key strategic next steps by the City of Cleveland and Partners: