Friday, June 8, 2007
8:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Cleveland City Council Committee Room
City Hall Room 216
At This special meeting of the City Planning Commission, the county staff and its consultants will provide a project update and presentation regarding disposition of existing buildings on the site acquired by the administrative complex by the County project staff and consultants. Tentatively, agenda items may include:
- County process to date
- Site selection and acquisition
- Project consultants (construction management, environmental
- Remediation, architectural and engineering design services)
- Project schedule
- Existing facilities assessments
- Prospect Building & Huron Building (Demolitions approved by the Commission on 3/30/07. Update on site clearance issues to be Provided.)
- 1010 Euclid Building
- Ameritrust Rotunda
- Ameritrust Tower
- Barn Court (public right-of-way)
- Contemporary government offices
Following the project presentation, the Commission can take public comments for and against the County’s proposal and, if time permits, the City Planning Commission could take action. (All meeting notices would state that the City Planning Commission may take action at this meeting.)