Design Review Committee & City Planning Commission
Agenda for May 31 & June 1, 2007
starts at 1:30 p.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.
Draft Agenda for May 31, 2007
Committee MembersDavid Parrish
Norman K. Perttula
Jonathan Sandvick
Mark Schwartz
Kay Taber
Rory O. Turner
Barbara Williams
Jack Bialosky, Jr.
Melanie Boyd
Craig R. Brown
Keith Brown
Cavana I.O. Faithwalker
Fred H. Holman, Jr. Vice Chair.
Thomas Zarfoss
- DRC 07-062 : 1275 Lakeside Avenue, Cuyahoga Board of Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities, Michael A. Donzella Administration Building (Public Building/Erieview II URP) (Ward 13)
- DRC 07-038 : “ Cleveland +” Banners on Buildings Program, Eight Individual Banner Proposals:
- 11325 Euclid Avenue , University Circle East Building
- 668 Euclid Building
- 1215 Superior Avenue, Charter One Bank
- 100 Public Square , Higbee Co. Building
- 2062 Ontario Street , Higbee Co. Building
- 3615 Euclid Avenue , Chester Avenue
- 2060 East 90 th Street , Cleveland Clinic P Building
- 2060 East 90 th Street , Cleveland Clinic P Building
(PLPD, etc./Wards 13, 5, 6) (Fr May 3, 2007)
- DRC 05-102-A : Fruit Avenue/West 9 th Street/Brayton Avenue, Clarence Court Housing Phase 2, Single-family House (Ward 13)
- DRC 07-052 : Starkweather Avenue/ Thurman Avenue/West 7 th Street, Starkweather Place Residential Development (fka Valley View For-sale Homes (Ward 13)
- DRC 06-141 : 11529 Buckeye Road, Harvey Rice K-8 School, Final Approval (CMSD/Ward 6) (Fr October 19, 2007)
- DRC 07-063 : [need address], Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, Westerly Plant, ASES Demonstration Turbine (Public Property/Ward 17)
starts at 9:00 a.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.
Draft Agenda for June 1, 2007
Planning Commission Members
Gloria Jean Pinkney
Joe Cimperman
Norman Krumholz
Robert N. Brown
Anthony J. Coyne, Chairman
David H. Bowen
Lillian Kuri
Lawrence A. Lumpkin
- Ordinance No.376-07 (Cimperman/Ward 13 : To change the Use, Area and Height Districts of property on the southeast corner of Columbus Road and Center Street (shown shaded on the attached map) from a General Industry District, a ‘B’ Area District and a ‘3’ Height District to a Downtown Residential District, a ‘K’ Area District and a ‘4’ Height District (Map Change Number 2219; Sheet No. 1).
- Ordinance Number XXX1-07(Brady/Ward 19) – Establishing a Pedestrian Retail Overlay District (PRO) along Lorain Avenue between West 110 th Street and West 123 rd Street.
- Ordinance Number XXX2-07 – This Ordinance proposes to change the Use District of property on both sides of Lorain Avenue between West 119 th Street and West 123 rd Street from a General Retail Business District to a Local Retail Business District.
- Ordinance No. 844-07: Authorizing the Director of City Planning to enter into one or more contracts with the Trust For Public Land for professional services necessary to provide land assembly services for the future development of the Canal Basin Park; a uthorizing the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to purchase properties located in the Canal Basin; authorizing the Director of City Planning or Parks, Recreation and Properties to enter into various Option to Purchase Agreements; and authorizing the Mayor to place a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants on City-owned property located in the Canal Basin, already in the control and possession of the City of Cleveland and those acquired under this ordinance.
- Ordinance No. 827-07: Determining the method of making the public improvement of rehabilitating and replacing the Alger Road area sewer system, which may include but not be limited to installing manholes and catch basins, and authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 828-07: Determining the method of making the public improvement of rehabilitating and replacing the Bernard Avenue area sewer system, which may include but not be limited to installing manholes and catch basins, and authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 829-07: Determining the method of making the public improvement of rehabilitating and replacing the East 177 th Street area sewer system, which may include but not be limited to installing manholes and catch basins, and authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 830-07: Determining the method of making the public improvement of rehabilitating and replacing the West 89 th Street area sewer system, which may include but not be limited to installing manholes and catch basins, and authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 831-07: Determining the method of making the public improvement of rehabilitating and replacing the Alger Road area sewer system, which may include but not be limited to installing manholes and catch basins, and authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement.
- Ordinance No. 832-07 Brancatelli/Ward 12): Authorizing the Director of Public Service to issue a permit to Slavic Village Development to encroach into the public right-of-way of Jones Road with 8 banners to be attached to Cleveland Public Power and The Cleveland Electric illuminating Company utility poles.
- Ordinance No. 833-07 (Britt/Ward 6): Authorizing the Director of Public Service to issue a permit to University Circle Incorporated to encroach into the public right-of-way at 11702 Euclid Avenue, by installing, using, and maintaining Food Co-op sign
- Ordinance No. 848-07 Cimperman/Ward 13): An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on West 11 th Street to Tremont West Development Corporation or designee.
- Ordinance No. 775-07: Authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to employ consultants computer software developers, or vendors or one or more firms of consultants, computer software developers, or vendors necessary for designing, assessing and implementing a meter automation, replacement, and water loss control program; authorizing one or more requirement contracts for hardware, software, computer supplies, and other necessary materials, equipment, supplies, and services necessary to implement the program; determining the method of making the public improvement of installing new equipment, including removing existing equipment if necessary; and authorizing the Director to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement, for the Department of public Utilities.
Clark Metro BRD
- CM 2006-008 : 3340 West 25 th Street (west side of West 25 th Street at Sackett Avenue). New Construction. Commercial car wash facility consisting of 5 hand wash bays and 2 automatic wash bays. Seeking final approval (BRD/Ward 14)
- CM 2007-003 : 3218-3300 Clark Avenue (north side of Clark Avenue). New construction. Five-unit, 6,740 S.F. retail strip center. Seeking final approval (BRD/Ward 14)
University Circle BRD
- UCDD 07-006: East 118 th Street North of Euclid, Putnam Fund Sculpture Installation of an environmental sculpture adjacent to the Case Western Reserve University Parking garage.
- UCDD 07-007: 2033 Cornell Road, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, construction of office space.
- DRC 07-062 : 1275 Lakeside Avenue, Cuyahoga Board of Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities, Michael A. Donzella Administration Building (Public Building/Erieview II URP) (Ward 13)
- DRC 07-038 : “ Cleveland +” Banners on Buildings Program, Eight Individual Banner Proposals:
- 11325 Euclid Avenue , University Circle East Building
- 668 Euclid Building
- 1215 Superior Avenue, Charter One Bank
- 100 Public Square , Higbee Co. Building
- 2062 Ontario Street , Higbee Co. Building
- 3615 Euclid Avenue , Chester Avenue
- 2060 East 90 th Street , Cleveland Clinic P Building
- 2060 East 90 th Street , Cleveland Clinic P Building
(PLPD, etc./Wards 13, 5, 6) (Fr May 3, 2007)
- DRC 05-102-A : Fruit Avenue/West 9 th Street/Brayton Avenue, Clarence Court Housing Phase 2, Single-family House (Ward 13)
- DRC 07-052 : Starkweather Avenue/ Thurman Avenue/West 7 th Street, Starkweather Place Residential Development (fka Valley View For-sale Homes (Ward 13)
- DRC 06-141 : 11529 Buckeye Road, Harvey Rice K-8 School, Final Approval (CMSD/Ward 6) (Fr October 19, 2007)
- DRC 07-063 : [need address], Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, Westerly Plant, ASES Demonstration Turbine (Public Property/Ward 17)