Design Review Committee & City Planning Commission
Agenda for January 18 & 19, 2007


DESIGN REVIEW starts at 1:30 p.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.


Draft Agenda for January 18, 2007

Committee Members

David Parrish
Norman K. Perttula
Jonathan Sandvick
Mark Schwartz
Kay Taber
Rory O. Turner
Barbara Williams
Jack Bialosky, Jr.
Melanie Boyd
Craig R. Brown
Keith Brown
Cavana I.O. Faithwalker
Fred H. Holman, Jr. Vice Chair.
Thomas Zarfoss

  1. DRC 07-002: 2121 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland State University, Law Building Renovation including Building Addition (PLPD/Ward 13)
  2. DRC 07-003: 1200 West 76th Street, Stonewater Residential Condominiums, Adaptive Re-Use (Tax Abatement/Ward 17)

PLANNING COMMISSION starts at 9:00 a.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.


Draft Agenda for January 19, 2007

Planning Commission Members

Gloria Jean Pinkney
Joe Cimperman
Norman Krumholz
Robert N. Brown
Anthony J. Coyne, Chairman
David H. Bowen
Lillian Kuri
Lawrence A. Lumpkin


  1. Ordinance No. 1958-06 (Cimperman/Ward 13):  Changing the name of East 17th Street between Euclid Avenue and Payne Avenue to “Viktor Schreckengost Lane.”
  2. Ordinance No. 1966-06 (Cimperman/Ward 13):  An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on Thurman Street to 23 Properties Inc.
  3. Ordinance No. 1968-06 (Lewis/Ward 7):  An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on East 81st Street Akusika Nkomo-Mackey.
  4. Ordinance No. 1969-06 (Lewis/Ward 7): An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on east 81st Street to Kenneth and Delphia Stanback.
  5. Ordinance No. 2054-06 (Pierce-Scott/Ward 8):  An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on scattered sites to Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity.
  6. Ordinance No. 2055-06 (White/Ward 2):  An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on Gaylord Avenue to Union Miles Development Corporation.
  7. Ordinance No. 2082-06 (Brady/Ward19):  To supplement the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, OH, 1976, by enactingnew Section 185.191 relating to contracts for Services and property rights necessary for public improvement projects conducted adjacent to and within railroad and Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority rights-of-way
  8. Ordinance No. 2083-06 (Brancatelli/Ward12):  To vacate a portion of East 59th St.
  9. Ordinance No. 2084-06 (Cimperman/Ward 13):  To vacate a portion of Hamilton Court N.E.
  10. Ordinance No. 2085-06 (White/Ward 2):  To vacate a portion of Richmond Avenue S.E.
  11. Ordinance No 2089-06 (Reed/Ward3):  An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on Kinsman Road and East 117th Street to Bethel Church of Christ (Holiness) USA.
  12. Ordinance No. 2090-06 (Polensek/Ward 11):  An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on Tiverton Road to Collinwood and Nottingham Villages Development Corporation.
  1. Ordinance No. 2081-06 (Cimperman/Ward 13):  Determining the method of making the public improvement of renovating various outside areas at 1201 Lakeside Avenue, and authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement.


  1. DRC 07-002: 2121 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland State University, Law Building Renovation including Building Addition (PLPD/Ward 13)
  2. DRC 07-003: 1200 West 76th Street, Stonewater Residential Condominiums, Adaptive Re-Use (Tax Abatement/Ward 17)